From Pain to Paint - From World to Word

27 -02-25

The language of love

You started English classes

And you are so happy

So happy

Now you understand so well

And you communicate

And later you will be able to write

And express yourself perfectly in English

And I am thinking baby

I had English classes for 12 years

And after so much practice

I am still learning and I become better

And you now try so hard

For so many days, weeks, months, years

To learn something that is important and complicated. And we all understand its difficulty and the complexity

But we get upset when in life

We make mistakes, bad choices, poor communication with others,

we hurt and we are being hurt.

And we are tough with ourselves

We get dissapointed and sad with ourselves

And it really strikes me

That we don't really understand

That the language of love is 10 times more difficult than the English or the Greek or the Farsi

The language of feelings, the language of thoughts, the body language and

the language of time that puts the right action in the right place...

The real languages of life

Require a lifetime to attain

Forget the sharpening of your knife

Your efforts, I promise, will not be in vain
