From Pain to Paint - From World to Word

your life babe has been so rough
all sorts of terrible stuff
but you survived my love, you are tough
don't forget

you are enough!
more than enough!

  • your heart is beating 108.000! times every day to move the blood around your body

  • your brain works even when you sleep, your dreams seem like real, because your brain is working so hard even at night

  • your lungs breathe 20.000! times every day.

your body, baby, (apart from beautiful;-) is also amazing..!
and you are your body !
think about it
feel it

if you read PILLS backwards, you get SLLIP
you took the pills in order to sleep
forever baby,
but your body wanted you to live!

You are a survivor, Faezinio!

the world is shinning when you laugh



oh my baby you are enough!
more than enough!